Every morning, all across southern India, millions of women wake up at sunrise to draw what’s known as a “kolam” at the entrance to their home. Kolams are geometric designs hand “drawn” by sprinkling rice flour (or in some cases other substances) on a freshly-swept and watered piece of pavement. I see them on my early morning runs, along with any number of other things. Every day, something new!
To give you a sense, I took a walk down a random street in my neighborhood: all of the photos below are on a 200 meter stretch of road the view immediately below being from one end.
Just for interest, this is the street sign using the standard marking system:
The kolam below is larger than normal, as it is drawn in preparation for a wedding to take place over the next few days.
And last but not least, cows wander through traffic with complete impunity. This one is taking a break at the end of the street.
Very interesting. Did I tell you that my next door neighbors are from India, very nice people. A husband and wife with two college age boys. They are very quiet too.
Interesting is not the word, It is like another world, really enjoyed it. Keep it coming
Love the pics! Miss you guys here. Can’t wait to come visit…will you get a big kolam in front of your house if you have visitors?
Looking forward to more posts!