The Sky is NOT Always Blue in California

People in California’s Bay Area awoke this morning thinking, “I must have a few hours left to sleep” because the sky was so dark. A dingy sky carrying smoke and ash from the fires plaguing the state obscured the sun and cast an eerie pall over our neighborhood. There was no odor of smoke in the air, but a thin layer of ash covered the cars parked on the street.

Ash Overnight

We decided to head up into the Berkeley hills, and as we climbed Marin Drive, we found ourselves suddenly enveloped by a mixture of fog, smoke and ash. It was 10 am, but it felt like just after sunset on a December evening.

View from Berkeley Hills
View from high in the Berkeley hills

We decided to head down to Point Isabel, a popular dog park in Richmond, to see how things looked across the bay. As the time crept toward midday it was unnerving to see all the cars driving with lights on under illuminated streetlights.

Dog Park
Dark Skies
View to the northwest from Point Isabel

For some reason, I kept thinking about dinosaurs.

See the rest of the photos from this morning on Flickr.

Captured on someone’s lawn…
Smoky Selfie
What’s next?
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One Response to The Sky is NOT Always Blue in California

  1. I was wondering whether you’d made it to California and am glad you’re there. Beautiful and heartbreaking photos. My mom’s house narrowly survived the 2012 Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado Springs, so I have a sense of what it’s like to live through something like that. I’m looking forward to hearing more about the latest chapter in your life.

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