Found Film Friday: Clyde, Texas

In my continuing, admittedly odd, quest to rescue other peoples’ forgotten, undeveloped film from oblivion, I recently acquired a Kodak Brownie Starflash, advertised on eBay as still containing a roll of unprocessed film inside.  I received the camera, still in its original box. It was manufactured between 1957 and 1965. You get a lot of old cameras on eBay still in their box. Apparently that was a thing back then. When was the last time you bought a camera and stored it inside its original box?

and found inside this camera, with its roll of film:

I went to process it, and found five very clear shots, and the rest of the photos showed pretty much nothing at all. A roll of 127 film, when used in this camera, normally yields 12 shots. The first three are unremarkable, if odd, things to take a picture of.

The last two shots are pretty cool. From corresponding with the camera’s seller, we know the camera belonged to a lady who died (recently) at age 92, who was born on a farm in south Texas, and spent much of her life in west Texas. After sharing these images with the seller, however, we are pretty sure the image with the ladies is taken in Clyde, Texas – either in “the old fellowship hall next to the Baptist Church,” or the Lions Club. She’s checking to see if anyone recognizes any of the ladies and will get back to me. In the meantime, here are the final two photos:

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2 Responses to Found Film Friday: Clyde, Texas

  1. GaiaGenesis says:

    Love it, thanks for the rescue and sharing!

  2. Mike says:

    GREAT recovery of these insightful photos. My thoughts are – daughter visiting her parents at her “old” home for a Bridal shower as she is about to get married – that explains the nostalgic look at the items on the dresser top, the mix of childhood doll with wedding loot, and kid brother pondering the entire operation. Note his Harley Davidson T-shirt, and the really WIDE watch band – I think I had one like that (and my cousin still has that furniture at her Mom’s house). Maybe I was the brother in a previous life? – and – I had a Starflash in 1967-1969 timeframe.

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