Goa, India’s diminutive state on the west coast, enjoys a certain reputation as a party destination, full of backpackers and bikinis, in search of yoga or outdoor sports. But it also has its wildlife – especially birds.
I wrote about our visit to Goa’s Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary about a year ago when we visited. I went back a month later again with a camera-toting quadcopter and a digital film camera to try and capture some video from the boat and overhead. It didn’t turn out all that spectacular – I was still learning how to fly the thing effectively – and so the footage languished on my hard drive for the next year or so.
Then I was trying to put something together the other day, and my daughter shared something about a current American Idol contestant named Joey Cook, who plays accordion and ukulele. I checked out some of her music online and was immediately grabbed by track #7 as the basis for a background track for the Goa video.
After paying a fair price for her song, I borrowed the ukulele intro, and used my V-accordion (“virtual” – it makes all sorts of different orchestral sounds) to layer additional music on top of the ukulele. And that’s how drones, kingfishers, and Joey Cook’s ukulele are related.
So far it seems Joey Cook doesn’t mind. But if she wins American Idol and gets all famous I might have to come up with something else for the video.
Watch the video in HD if you can.
That was very nice – and very well done too!