Recent Posts
- Another Year, Another Itdyadi
- Our Truly Amazing TV Debut: Behind the Scenes
- Holi in Bangladesh Part 2: the Ruined Roll
- Holi in Bangladesh
- Hashing Out Old Dhaka
- The Blog is Back: First Impressions of Dhaka, Bangladesh
- A Few Words About My Father
- The Sky is NOT Always Blue in California
- “Artisans” documentary series – final (?) episode
- Every Day is a Surprise. Also, People are A$$h0Le5. (part 2)
Tag Archives: television
Another Year, Another Itdyadi
I see it has been 18 months since my last post. In that time, a lot has happened in Bangladesh, to say the least. It has kept us all quite busy and on our toes. In the meantime, in the … Continue reading
Posted in Bangladesh, Random Thoughts, Observations and Weird Stuff
Tagged Bangladesh, ityadi, television
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Our Truly Amazing TV Debut: Behind the Scenes
A few months ago, we got word through the Dhaka expat network that someone was looking for “foreigners” to play roles in a Bangladeshi television show. No acting experience or Bengali language experience required. It turns out that this “someone” … Continue reading
Posted in Bangladesh, Video Shooting, Editing and Production
Tagged Bangladesh, magazine show, sanket, television
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What do our TV ads say about us?
70 or 80 years from now, what will people think of us when they see the television commercials that we use to sell products to each other? If attitudes shift as much as they have over the last 70 to … Continue reading
Armed Forces Network: and now, a word from our sponsors…
I’m not one to complain about the Armed Forces Network – AFN has been a part of my life since the early 1970s, when we were living in Germany and it would basically play during prime time until around midnight, … Continue reading
Posted in AFN Commercials
Tagged AFN, Armed Forces Network, commercials, exercise, health, military, PSA, public service announcement, television
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