I posted recently about the entry my daughter and I put together in the Dr. Seuss/Random House “Ham it Up” video contest to celebrate the 50th anniversary of “Green Eggs and Ham.” To those of you who rated our entry, thanks very much! And did you know you can vote once a day? I’m just sayin’…
As the voting period draws closer to its end (November), entries continue to appear, and there are now a total of 61. I thought I’d take a moment and highlight some of my favorites – and one not-so-favorite.
First, my favorites. My favorite (besides ours, of course) is the most recent entry, in which the creator put himself and a co-conspirator in the actual book. It would be fun to try that sometime!
And then there’s this one, by “brokecollegekids” – who I assume have resorted to a novel way of earning their college tuition. Cute stop-motion!
And finally there is this one, which would be a definite contender, except for the fact that it breaks two of the contest rules – it’s over 2 minutes long, and the rules also state that anyone portrayed in the video who is under age 13 must be your own children. I think it’s great how he managed to incorporate the kids’ art work in this variation on the usual theme – it’s all about “I will not READ Green Eggs and Ham.” Good acting by the kids!
Now for a couple of bizarre entries. The first one is creepy, but in a cool way. Check out how they have filmed themselves upside down. Dad needs to take it down a notch though!
And finally, there’s Green Eggs and Hamlet. Which has potential. To do more than make you cringe, that is. I dare you to watch it the whole way through!
What do you think? All the participants will appreciate if you take a moment to “score” their efforts by choosing 1 to 5 “eggs,” which will help determine the finalists. They’d also love your comments! You can get a login without providing your life history, from the site itself, or use Facebook Connect. And in case you missed it, be sure and check out our entry as well! If we win, a year’s supply of ham (one of the prizes) will go to Fisher House or a similar charity supporting the military. We’ve yet to work out the details, don’t want to count our (green) chickens before they hatch!